For the last six months or so, we’ve been considering doing a pink tub in support of marriage equality. For those of you who are unaware of the issue, there will probably be a civil partnership bill working its way through the Dail in the new year. While it’s a big step in the right direction (if it happens), there are those who wish it to go further. The following video, I think, makes a good point:
Now, of course Ben & Jerry bravely celebrated Vermont’s passage of a marriage bill with their flavour Hubby Hubby, and there might be those who say we’re simply aping them.
However, I think it’s different since they were celebrating something that happened (and the tub was only released in Vermont), where we’d rather be hoping to support something that might happen with enough awareness and support (and I’ve been told the Marriage Equality folks are looking for support from the straight community).
As always, we’d be delighted for any feedback from everyone, but especially from customers… There is a poll below, or please comment.
[poll id=”7″]
Note: The original poll here was on, but it was seriously slowing down the site, so I transferred the data to this poll.
Technorati tags: civil, partnership, marriage, ice cream, package