OK – here’s the first of our Mexican Fiesta ice cream flavours. I can see your eyebrows raising, and I know it’s an odd one, but everyone here thinks it turned out delicious! Black beans, after all, have a bit of a chocolate flavour, and the chilli spices really make the flavour complex and delicious. Since it’s a sorbet, it’s all about punchy flavour!
Murphys Black Bean Chilli and Chocolate Sorbet Recipe
- 300 gm sugar
- 300 gm chocolate (70%)
- 100 gm black beans
- 500 ml water
- 1 teaspoon vegetable stock
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh, chopped ginger
- 1 small garlic clove, crushed
- 1/4 teaspoon cumin
- A pinch dried chillis (to taste)
- A few sprigs fresh coriander
What to do:
- Put the beans and 1/2 litre water into a small cooking pot and bring to the boil. Cover and leave overnight.
- (The next day) Add the spices to the beans and continue to cook until the beans are soft.
- Keep adding water to maintain the original level. You will need 1/2 litre of the stock!
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.
- Remove the beans from the heat. Drain the stock (liquid) and measure it. It should be 500ml. Top up with hot water if necessary.
- Mix the sugar into the hot stock, stirring until dissolved.
- Add the hot stock/sugar mix to the melted chocolate in small parts, stirring until you have a smooth emulsion. The chocolate will clump at first, but just keep adding the liquid and stirring until it is smooth and glossy.
- Blend the beans until smooth.
- Stir the pureed beans into the stock/sugar/chocolate mix until completely incorporated.
- Cool the mix completely.
- Freeze using a domestic ice cream maker or cover and place in the freezer, stirring every two hours to break up the ice crystals.
Technorati tags: black bean, chocolate, sorbet, ice cream, recipe