New Tubs Have Arrived

Murphys Ice Cream New Tubs Today I loaded in 50,000 of our new tubs. We’ve printed the top four flavours with a photograph, which will hopefully make it easier for our customers to find flavours. We have also switched to a taller tub. They will be in the shops as soon as we get the labels for the lids!

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Painting Production

Production When you’re in the ice cream business, one of the important things is to take advantage of the slow season, because there’s little else one can do in the summer month other than churn out product as fast as you can.

The off season is all about house-keeping and planning. So this week we’ve been painting in the production and warehouse, and it’s great to have a gleaming “new” floor in the lab.

I think I will baptise it tomorrow by playing with hot chocolate. I’ve been wanting to do some variations on our basic recipe. I’ll keep you posted!

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New Packaging Preview

Chocolate Tub 

We’ve just signed off on proofs for our new packaging, and we’re very excited! Many thanks to Kevin at Sexton Design for his great work…

The changes aren’t huge, but they are important. We’ve added nutritional information, which was well over-due, as well as photos of the ingredients of our four best selling flavours. Hopefully we’ll have the new tubs by Christmas…

The Minis Have Arrived

Vanilla Mini We’re very excited here as our new mini containers (125ml) finally arrived, and we’ve filled the first few. It’s amazing how long it takes to get packaging!

Mini SpoonWe will do them in a few flavours and these little tubs will be in shops soon. The best thing is that there is a spoon in the lid.

The worst thing is that the packaging is expensive, and I think they will around €3 retail, depending on how much markup retaillers take, which is definitely more than we would have hoped. The little disk is the most expensive part!

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