White Wellies Spotted In Dublin!

Blog Award In the very unlikely event that you weren’t there and the suspense was killing you – yes – I did wear the entire get-up to the awards list night – white wellies, chef’s hat, dessert-print trousers and all. At least everyone knew who I was, although the funniest thing about it was when I was in the lift heading up to my room, an elderly Scottish couple staying in the hotel smiled at me sympathetically and said, “You’re only just finished? It’s a tough job. I bet you have to cook our breakfast as well tomorrow!”

The night was great, I was honoured to win Best Business Blog, but what really made the evening special meeting and chatting with so many other brilliant bloggers including Frank (thanks for the drink), Simon (congrats), Paul (thanks for sponsoring), Grannymar (congrats), Laura, Sinead (congrats), Manuel, Shane (congrats), Rick (congrats and well done on the night) Copernicus, Deborah (so sorry I won’t make brunch), Jen, Martin, Val (thanks for the drink!), Granddad (congrats), Feebee, Krishna, Markham and so many others that I’d be here all day!

Congrats to all the winners, and thanks so much to Damien and everyone who put on such a great night.

P.S. Thanks also to George Bush for the introductions of each category. (See here).

P.P.S. There are photos here and here.

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28 thoughts on “White Wellies Spotted In Dublin!

  1. Congratulations and well done. But fair play: we want a photo of you in the whole kit, white wellies and all!

  2. Many congrats Kieran,

    It was great to meet you and the other Business nominees (where were you Annette?) and to get to know so many people that I felt I already knew. A well-deserved win and you have really put it up to all of us regarding costume for next year – dagnabbit!

  3. Congratulations Kieran, and richly deserved.

    It was great to meet with you before the announcement. Hopefully we will meet again soon for another “scoop”. A Guinness for you and a Black Bush for me would be nice anywhere; but Ice cream in Dingle would be tops for me!

    Well done!!!!

  4. Woohoo, congrats! I am seriously impressed ya wore the wellies to the event. Are there pics to prove..er..I mean show it? haha

  5. Hi Kieran

    I sent you an email about the issuu publication I am putting together on the blog awards. Just wondered did you get the email? I have prepared a second example of the publication which you can see at the link below. If you didn’t get the email can you let me know and I will send it again.




  6. Ok, that was pretty cool, hats off to you. er Wellies off to you. That will be an award you’ll never forget There’s a rule some where about awards accepted whilst wearing rubber footwear and engraved more firmly into the brain then others. Yep.

  7. Loved the outfit, and congrats on the award. Reading your blog always makes me want to make some of your delicious deserts, or at least make the journey so you can make them for me. Someday…

  8. Congratulations – best business blog is right. I’m sorry I couldn’t get along.

    By coincidence, I just got an e-mail from the t-shirt man in Idaho who kindly put dinosaurs on t-shirts so my son didn’t have to suffer non-prehistoric clothing while the passion was at its height. Now he’s put (a picture of) ice-cream on a t-shirt: http://www.goingpostalt-shirts.com/Americanat-shirts/. I thought you might like to know.

  9. Ouh la la ! You did wear the outfit with the sexy wellies !
    bonjour du Sud de la France

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