It might have been a rash purchase, but I ordered in a slushie machine. I know it’s a strange purchase for a company dedicated to the highest quality, but I got to thinking about what would happen if you used the best ingredients to make a high-class slushie.
Good idea? It remains to be seen. I’m busy playing away trying to make a frozen moccha with espresso and lots of dark Belgian chocolate…
Technorati tags: slushie, frozen, ice cream, moccha, chocolate
All I can say is the Italians love their slush puppies a.k.a GRANITA! These machines are everywhere!
Yes, indeed! Italy is where I got the idea. Now I just have to come up with a natural formulation that works!
Frozen mojitos anyone?
Indeed! I’ve scheduled a staff party with a very similar idea in mind!
Lucky staff!!
I’ve always thought it would be fun to play around with real fruit slushies, using real juice and other fresh ingredients. I think you’ve got a great new toy! 🙂
Had a sample from a member of your staff on Sunday and was very impressed. Much nicer than Starbucks-type frappachinos that many places do. I would like a little more espresso but other customers seemed to think the balance was perfect.
Hi all!
Looks good! Very useful, good stuff. Good resources here. Thanks much!