Peach Melba

Peach Melba w Cream At the suggestion of one of our good customers, I played around a bit with Peach Melba over the weekend in the odd hours I had out of the shop.

Invented in the 1890s by the French chef Escoffier, who was working at the Savoy in London, Peach Melba was a dish made for an Australian opera diva – Nellie Melba. It consists of poached peaches, vanilla ice cream, and a sauce made from raspberries and redcurrants, although it’s usually just made with raspberry sauce.

I don’t know if it will make an appearance in our shops, as I would be loath to use canned peaches, and it would be hard to keep poached peaches around the place.

You never know…

If you want to try it, here’s what I did:

Peach Melba1. Peel and cut up some fresh, ripe peaches (allow a full peach per person), drop them into boiling water with a few tablespoons of sugar and leave for two or three minutes (I don’t like to give them an over-cooked taste). Strain and allow to cool.

2. Puree 50g of raspberries, 25ml water, a teaspoon sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice per person. Bring to a boil in a small saucepan, then pass through a sieve and allow to cool completely.  

3. Put the peaches in a dish, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and drizzle liberally with the raspberry sauce.

4. I added some cream and garnished with fresh red currants in honour of the famous French chef…

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4 thoughts on “Peach Melba

  1. Dear Mr Murphy,

    I’ve been reading your blog for a little while now, and am so happy to see a mention of my own country! I’d also like to take this opportunity to say tell you how enjoyable your blog is.

    Your passion and enthusiasm seem almost unique in the blog-o-sphere that I have so far encountered. I really enjoy reading a few people’s blogs (Irish blogs, despite my location) however, most people write to release pent up frustrations, or to argue over certain points and provide their opinions…. So, while I can appreciate reading their thoughts, I’m sometimes brought down by their tone and outlook on life.

    However, your blog is wonderful! It’s so interesting and uplifting. I never think about ice cream ordinarily, but after reading your blog, I now frequent my favourite Italian ice creamery once a week, always trying a new flavour. And I even looked up ice cream machines on the web to investigate making my own…. but it seems a bit complicated for me at the moment, so I think I’ll stick to trying out some of your terrific desert recipes !

    What I like the most about your blog, besides your passionate attitude, is learning all about Ice cream, chocolate etc etc… and your business, Dingle, the tourists in Dingle, and the wonderful little snippets about your extended family – that was such a beautiful photo of your nephew Conor.

    Bye for now,

    Coastal Aussie.

  2. Peach and marscapone – yes, I think that would be tasty indeed. I have a tiramisu ice cream with the very same in the shops at the moment…

    And Coastal Aussie – thanks for that! I’m quite touched!

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