The Beauty Around Us

The cold snap seems to have finally left us, at least for the moment, but nature really outdid itself over the last weeks. We were lucky enough not to have any flooding or burst pipes, and the roads in Dingle town remained mostly clear of snow and ice.

Reading about the disruption to the rest of the country, and looking at images on the news bore little relation to what I experienced.

We had still, beautiful days, with the water like glass. We had snowy mountains and and an extremely quiet and peaceful Dingle town. We had sunsets more beautiful than I have ever seen, and flocks of birds that descended on us, escaping the cold further North and East.

I don’t know, in the future, how this winter will be remembered. I know there are many who have suffered with the cold, with lack of water, with loss of custom, and with isolation due to closed roads. I, however, luckily protected in this little corner of Ireland and semi-idle this time of year, will remember the stillness, the wet smell of snow, and the amazing sights that came with a different face of nature.

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